Why was the College established?
The College has been established to provide admission opportunities into a post-primary institution mainly for Primary Six pupils. These pupils may not otherwise have the opportunity to gain admission into government-established post-primary schools or other private institutions of learning within Kaduna. Admission opportunities are provided without prejudice as regards age, sex, religion or social status.
What are the OBJECTIVES of the College?
* Provide an increasing number of primary school leavers with the opportunity for high quality secondary education, irrespective of sex or social, religious and ethnic background. * Sufficiently diversify its curriculum in order to cater for the differences in talents possessed by students or potentially open to them on completion of their secondary school studies. * Equip students to live effectively in a modern age of science and technology. * Impart education with sound moral standards at the students' level. * Raise a generation of people who can think for themselves, respect the views and feelings of others, and appreciate the dignity of labour & the values specified under Nigeria 's broad national aims, as well as live as good citizens. * Foster Nigerian unity with emphases on common ties that unite us in our desire for achievement and self-improvement both at school and later in life. . Assist in the development of the Anglican Diocese of Kaduna in particular and Nigeria in general. * Develop and project Nigerian culture, art and languages as well as the world's cultural heritage.
"The Mission"
The college magazine "The Mission" is available. Obtain your copy as you email: info@stmichaels-college.com Nature: In addition to being a mission school, the College is co-educational and currently operates as a day school.
School news/Announcement: Admission into the College for 2022/2023 Academic Session is in progress. Available classes include JS1-3, SS1-2. Visit the College or Contact the Principal through the Phone/WhatsApp number or e-mail details below.